
Monitor Twitter and respond to tweets mentions and direct messages right from your helpdesk.

Integrating Twitter with Sociomile

Integrate a single Twitter handle

Manage and respond to all interactions from your primary Twitter handle easily.

Integrate multiple Twitter accounts/handles

Manage social interactions across multiple Twitter accounts from one place.

Convert reply tweet to tickets automatically

Replies to your tweet are converted to tickets by default

Convert mentions to tickets automatically

All Mentions to your account are converted to tickets by default.

Convert DMs to tickets automatically

All Direct Messages are converted to tickets by default.

Interacting on Twitter from Sociomile

Reply from the handle of your choice directly from the helpdesk

Reply to tweets or DMs without leaving the helpdesk. You can choose from among the handles integrated with the system to reply to a tweet.

Tweet from the helpdesk

Post a tweet from your company handle using the Composing tweet widget on the top right corner of the Social tab to engage with customers and visitors proactively.

View the tweet on Twitter

View the original tweet on Twitter by clicking the View on Twitter link in the ticket.

Try the Sociomile experience.

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